Saturday, July 27, 2013

Fun in the sun

Where have I been? I've been enjoying my last week as a free woman! Haha Well of you count the confines of my classroom free...
I went to The Color Run last weekend! Had a blast!! It was an amazing dance/walk/color fight party. I  stoked about next years!! If you have not heard of this 5k you should really check it out.
I've been working on my classroom like crazy! It looks so much better than the mess it was before. I am a little (ok A LOT) ocd with organization. My classroom library is complete! (Well I have to tape my labels onto my book bins.) My room looks great! I cannot wait to see the kids reactions on Thursday morning.

Monday, July 15, 2013


My room has officially been cleaned!!! Now to get down to business. I have so many things that I need to organize and learning spaces to create.
I've started working on my book bins. (Yes they are purple and lime green.) These are going to really pop on my black bookshelves (that I still need to find.....).

Here is the view from my door. Clean carpets = happy teacher = happy classroom 
Here is the view from my desk/supply area. I rarely sit at my des. I have it pushed as close to the wall as possible to maximize space for the kiddos. 
I cannot wait to see it all put together!!!
First day countdown: 17 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Currently Reading

Thanks to a wonderful friend for letting me borrow some of her teacher books!! I'm venturing into new territory this coming school year, so why not discover new teaching practices!!!

I've just started reading these books and am already in love!! What are some of the things you picked up from these two books?

What are some of your favorite teacher books?

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A Day in the Life of a Teacher

I've decided to join in with Jessica at Second Grade Nest in showing you what it's like to live the life of a teacher on summer vaca. So here is my life, the life of a second grade teacher!
7:00 am - Wake up call! I refuse to get up any earlier on my summer vacation! :) Up early to work out on the elliptical for 20 minutes, eat some breakfast, and get a little pampered with this hot pink nail polish!
9:00 am - Time to work in the classroom. Had to tutor a little guy and did some crazy organizing. I am getting a new math curriculum this year! WOOT WOOT! (*the rocket is a part of my behavior management system that I've almost finished!!)
12:00 - Driving an hour and 30 minutes to spend some time with the sister and some much needed retail therapy!!
6:00 pm - Spending some time with the husband at the farm.
8:00 pm - Very late dinner of my FAVORITE PIZZA from Dale's Pizza. (It really is the best there is!) Reading a non-teaching related book while sitting in my flower garden. Life cannot get any better than this!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Dollar Store Love

Man, do I really LOVE the dollar store!! Check out these goodies that I bought for my classroom. 
The large tubs are going to be used for my library. I am going to put cute labels on them so the students can easily find and return the books to the right place (wishful thinking huh!?!).

I am going to use these facial cleaning pads as dry erase board cleaners. Found the idea on pinterest! I love that site!!

In addition to my dollar store love, I also LOVE yard sales! I found these cute books for my students to read! I think I got all of them for $1!! What a deal!